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Put your ad on the Challenge Network! ? $comment_count ?>
You may have noticed ads going up on the front page here, and also on the demo pages. They will be showing up across the network as time goes on. The majority are real ads, but 20% of the ones you see are there for "free." I always liked the old Barrysworld where all they showed was banners for sites they hosted, as it always led to some really neat sites I never would have seen otherwise, and I thought it would be cool to do something like that since the opportunity was there. The main purpose is for sites hosted with Challenge to get their banner up there, but I decided to try a little experiment and open it up to the community.

So.... if you run a site and want to get in the rotation up there, send the banner and the link to . Just about anything will be accepted as long as:

1. It's FPS related
2. We think you are cool
3. You are an asset to the community
Realize your ad won't show up very often at all, since it is shared in a small pool with a whole bunch of other people looking for a free mention. Since we produce more views than any other network, it will get seen. If you really need to be told, sending us something doesn't obligate us to do jack shit, banners will be added or removed whenever we feel like it.

There's also some real ad banners up there from a number of places, if you see something that interests you, please visit the sponsor's site. Please, please, please! I can not stress enough how important it is for us to have some success out of this. And ads are not easy money like they were a year ago, nowadays to get anything, someone has to click on it and then sign up for a mailing list, buy something, or do SOMETHING to prove they actually showed up. It's unfair, but those are the rules I guess.

The ebay people want to be especially nice to us, so if you see their banner, please drop by their site and make a bid on anything at all :)

Oh and if you just happen to be in control of an ad budget of some kind, please don't hesitate to contact me or about spending a little of it, we are open to very creative ideas:))))))


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