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Hoony 10 Dec
Mr.CleaN 24 Jun
twoAM 23 Aug
Wiebo de Wit 08 Aug
Jude 19 Jun

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Toxic Skirmish ? 1 comment
Hello people!

Since my CPM team map I've been mapping along and doing some stuff. I made a small 1v1 tourney level which has not had much testing from Insanity and friends (they were too busy with clan stuff. Don't ask me what that is =] ) but I decided to mention it here all the same as the level is now released on my map page at

It's a small map, strickly for 1v1 and if you can give me comments on it then that is always appreciated. Note that it is not made for the CPM map project, but you might enjoy it nonetheless!

'till next time guys

No Class! released....... ? 2 comments
Hi all,

Finally, after 3 months of mapping and testing it is here: No Class!. It's a CPM teamplay map for teams of 4. You can download it from my website at and there are also screens there to be seen of the new areas.

Thanks to all who participated in the development of the map, and I hope you will have some cool fights in the map. Add your comments and send me a demo of your games ok? =]

more testing ? 1 comment
OK, work is progressing nicely on the map. Many suggestions were taken into account, items swapped around, teleporters added and two BIG rooms were added to the map. It has come to the point that I am putting all these things together and there is a big test session this upcoming weekend so I expect to get some final comments then, after which I think we are ready for release.

This has been a great experience for us all and it is working very good indeed. The map has become much better then it would have been had I finished and released it myself.

Visit my site at PQ ( for more info and screenshots. Also, read VS-Insanity's column on for more shots.

More info when I have it. Until then, rock on!

beta ? comment
Hi all,

The new map has gone beta. Insanity has gotten a hold of the first build and is testing it with 7 more guys as you read this. I'm really looking forward to their comments as I am sure there is a lot to be improved. =]

I will work on his comments this week and let's see if that produces a final version!

At ease, soldier! ? 3 comments
Hi all, My first column here on Challenge World. whoo!! Thanks Hooney and the rest of the team for setting me up.

When Barratus asked me to join the project I jumped to the opportunity because:

1) he helped me a lot with testing my Q3 maps, and i wanted to do something in return.

2) I could meet people who can test my maps from a more professional point of view.

This was great and I was thinking what kind of map would be nice to begin with. As people keep commenting about Overkill! and how nice it is to do teamplay in it while I didn't even design it for that made me think about a big-ass teamplay map... And so it began. I have been working on a map for about 4 weeks now and it is beginning to approach beta status. It's a nice big level (but it might become bigger if more floorspace is needed). Hoony hooked me up with Insanity and he will test it for me with his crew of 8. I can't wait for their comments, as I am curious if our thoughts about teamplay maps are alike, or maybe i have to adjust my thinking (which could be a good thing)...

So, when there is more to report I will do so. Maybe even a little screenshot for those who like that? Just comment on it and everything is possible =]

Bye for now!

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